“Public office should be considered both a privilege and an opportunity to serve.”

“Kyle Steinburg has proven himself as a small business owner. Kyle is an advocate for small business owners and understands the daily struggles we all face. Kyle’s experience and success as a business owner uniquely qualify him to make the decisions necessary to not only insure our business community survives, but has the opportunity to grow and thrive.”
“Your selection as “Marine of the Quarter” is an honor for which only the most outstanding men and women of this command are considered. You were selected because of your outstanding leadership and bearing. Your achievement is characteristic of your superb performance and serves as an example for others to emulate.”
“He demonstrated a professionalism and tenacity indicative of a more senior grade. Corporal Steinburg’s managerial ability, personnel initiative and unswerving devotion to duty reflected great credit upon him and were in the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Navy.”
“I have worked with Kyle since he started his business here in Wenatchee. He is an upfront, straightforward, do what I say I am going to do type of guy. He is a hard worker, very professional, and has a positive, upbeat attitude. He is well informed and engaged in issues that affect both the citizens and businesses in the area. I believe Kyle would do a great job serving the folks of Douglas County and I am glad to support him.”